_audit_creation_date 95-08-03
_audit_creation_method 'generated by RETRIEVE 2.0'
_database_code_ICSD '8096'
_chemical_name_systematic 'Silicon diphosphate - A IV'
_chemical_formula_structural 'Si P2 O7'
_chemical_formula_sum 'O7 P2 Si'
Refinement of the crystal structure of silicon diphosphate, Si
O~7~ AIV - a phase with six-coordinated silicon
_publ_author_name 'Hesse, K F'
_journal_name_full 'Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982)'
_journal_coden_ASTM 'ACBCA'
_journal_volume 35
_journal_year 1979
_journal_page_first 724
_journal_page_last 725
_cell_length_a 4.713(1)
_cell_length_b 11.987(2)
_cell_length_c 7.628(2)
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 91.2(2)
_cell_angle_gamma 90
_cell_volume 430.85
_cell_formula_units_Z 4
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21/n 1'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 14
_symmetry_cell_setting monoclinic
Si4+1 4 e 0.21950(40) 0.85050(20) 0.34740(30) 1.000 0 d
P5+1 4 e 0.79910(40) 0.51820(20) 0.19620(20) 1.000 0 d
P5+2 4 e 0.72030(40) 0.69700(20) 0.44830(30) 1.000 0 d
O2-1 4 e 0.70730(100) 0.57250(40) 0.37430(60) 1.000 0 d
O2-2 4 e 0.08050(100) 0.46450(40) 0.23640(60) 1.000 0 d
O2-3 4 e 0.57880(100) 0.43500(40) 0.14120(60) 1.000 0 d
O2-4 4 e 0.83490(100) 0.61090(40) 0.06510(60) 1.000 0 d
O2-5 4 e 0.62240(90) 0.68730(40) 0.63150(60) 1.000 0 d
O2-6 4 e 0.02150(100) 0.73640(40) 0.43030(60) 1.000 0 d
O2-7 4 e 0.51530(90) 0.76240(40) 0.33790(60) 1.000 0 d
_refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.05